Adnil Press

Adnil Press

Friday, May 11, 2012

Update on Lesha Myers

Here is an update for those of you who are praying for Lesha Meyers, author of three of our IEW books: The Elegant Essay, Windows to the World, and Writing Research Papers.
Dear Prayer Partners,
I have a decorated box near my chair in my living room in which I keep inspirational notes and letters that I sometimes receive from students and friends. It’s bulging with new additions because of the outpouring of love you’ve sent my way. (One friend sent lots of “positive light.” That’s a new one for me because I didn’t realize light could be negative.) Add to this my equally bulging Facebook and email accounts. And the flowers! I think flowers are one of God’s richest decorations on the planet, and it’s wonderful to experience the spring flood both in my classroom and at home.
Needless to say, I am humbled and overwhelmed with your encouragement. Thank you so, so much for your thoughtfulness.
I want to give you a quick update because three things have happened since the last time I talked to you.
First, I discovered that the cancer has attacked my brain. It’s in my cerebellum, which mostly controls motor functions, but also affects attention and language. I’ve been spacier than normal, having a little issue with equilibrium for a while, and many people have told me that my Minnesota accent is back, so maybe that’s a result of the new brain lesions. I’m on a steroid to prevent brain swelling, and it’s not without its side effects (of course).
Second, I’ve entered the hospice program at my HMO. I know that sounds terrible, but it really isn’t. Before this, the focus was on the disease. Hospice transfers the focus to the person, and in the two weeks since I’ve started, I feel so much better. I’m really glad I made this decision.
Third, I have my retirement date from school. It’s Friday, May 18. If any of you former students want to visit, you will either need to come before then or drive out to Concord. Don’t come 5/16 or 5/17, I’m not staying those days, and 5/9 is iffy because block days are not only in the middle of the week, they are long and hard. But like I said, I’m doing better, so we’ll see.
After I retire, some of you who have offered to help can if you like. One of my friends is going to set up or help me set up a Web site with “stuff” (technical term) on it. Probably meals and errands (I’m no longer driving.) and maybe other ideas. I’ll let you know when it’s up, and you can take a look if you like. For those of you who are close to Concord, come visit! I crave your company. Two weeks ago, a group of friends brought over tea—yes the whole Victorian tea. It was lovely to tea and talk. Yesterday some friends came over for dinner. Yes it was takeout, but so what. We took it out of the plastic containers and put it on nice plates and it tasted just fine. We could “do lunch” as long as we “did” it here (getting out is harder), but a visit with no food would be just as good. In fact, if you sign up to bring dinner later, please plan on staying for at least a half hour. As much as I think I’m going to enjoy being home, and maybe catching up on some of my writing, I still covet your visits.

Prayer Requests
In the meantime, if the Lord brings me to mind, would you please pray for the following for me?
1. Stamina and energy to get through each day to complete what the Lord has for me that day.
2. Comfort for my family. They are bearing up well, but it’s still hard.
3. That I would live each day in the center of the Lord’s will and in the strength He provides.
4. That my AP Language students would do well on their exam (May 16th).
5. Sleep. This steroid doesn’t like me to sleep.
6. Pain equalization. So far, so good.

Please feel free to share this message with anyone who might be interested.

Thank you, thank you for all you do to encourage me.

For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal (2 Cor. 4:17-18).

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