Adnil Press

Adnil Press

Friday, May 11, 2012

Update on Lesha Myers

Here is an update for those of you who are praying for Lesha Meyers, author of three of our IEW books: The Elegant Essay, Windows to the World, and Writing Research Papers.
Dear Prayer Partners,
I have a decorated box near my chair in my living room in which I keep inspirational notes and letters that I sometimes receive from students and friends. It’s bulging with new additions because of the outpouring of love you’ve sent my way. (One friend sent lots of “positive light.” That’s a new one for me because I didn’t realize light could be negative.) Add to this my equally bulging Facebook and email accounts. And the flowers! I think flowers are one of God’s richest decorations on the planet, and it’s wonderful to experience the spring flood both in my classroom and at home.
Needless to say, I am humbled and overwhelmed with your encouragement. Thank you so, so much for your thoughtfulness.
I want to give you a quick update because three things have happened since the last time I talked to you.
First, I discovered that the cancer has attacked my brain. It’s in my cerebellum, which mostly controls motor functions, but also affects attention and language. I’ve been spacier than normal, having a little issue with equilibrium for a while, and many people have told me that my Minnesota accent is back, so maybe that’s a result of the new brain lesions. I’m on a steroid to prevent brain swelling, and it’s not without its side effects (of course).
Second, I’ve entered the hospice program at my HMO. I know that sounds terrible, but it really isn’t. Before this, the focus was on the disease. Hospice transfers the focus to the person, and in the two weeks since I’ve started, I feel so much better. I’m really glad I made this decision.
Third, I have my retirement date from school. It’s Friday, May 18. If any of you former students want to visit, you will either need to come before then or drive out to Concord. Don’t come 5/16 or 5/17, I’m not staying those days, and 5/9 is iffy because block days are not only in the middle of the week, they are long and hard. But like I said, I’m doing better, so we’ll see.
After I retire, some of you who have offered to help can if you like. One of my friends is going to set up or help me set up a Web site with “stuff” (technical term) on it. Probably meals and errands (I’m no longer driving.) and maybe other ideas. I’ll let you know when it’s up, and you can take a look if you like. For those of you who are close to Concord, come visit! I crave your company. Two weeks ago, a group of friends brought over tea—yes the whole Victorian tea. It was lovely to tea and talk. Yesterday some friends came over for dinner. Yes it was takeout, but so what. We took it out of the plastic containers and put it on nice plates and it tasted just fine. We could “do lunch” as long as we “did” it here (getting out is harder), but a visit with no food would be just as good. In fact, if you sign up to bring dinner later, please plan on staying for at least a half hour. As much as I think I’m going to enjoy being home, and maybe catching up on some of my writing, I still covet your visits.

Prayer Requests
In the meantime, if the Lord brings me to mind, would you please pray for the following for me?
1. Stamina and energy to get through each day to complete what the Lord has for me that day.
2. Comfort for my family. They are bearing up well, but it’s still hard.
3. That I would live each day in the center of the Lord’s will and in the strength He provides.
4. That my AP Language students would do well on their exam (May 16th).
5. Sleep. This steroid doesn’t like me to sleep.
6. Pain equalization. So far, so good.

Please feel free to share this message with anyone who might be interested.

Thank you, thank you for all you do to encourage me.

For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal (2 Cor. 4:17-18).

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Web-Site Updates

Hi all - our website has just been updated, and now includes all the new products available this year from IEW, including:

Following Narnia: Writing Lessons in Structure and Style - NEW!

This series of 31 lessons, designed for grades 5-8, combines writing and lterature to teach middle school students how to write using the nine structural models and stylistic techniques included inTeaching Writing: Structure and Style. Using the first three novels inThe Chronicles of Narnia®(The Magician's Nephew, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe,andThe Horse and His Boy), the lessons cover a variety of topics related to the context of the books and to the Narnian world. Specific goals are given in the teacher book for each lesson with a reading schedule for students to follow. An optional section provides extra vocabulary study.

by Danielle Olander with Nathanael Olander

Designed especially for those techies-in-training or newbie nerds, Rockets, Radar, and Robotics introduces middle school students (grades 5-8) to the Institute for Excellence in Writing models and stylistic techniques using technology as the subject material.

Students will enjoy learning how the military is using iPods, how radar was developed, and what makes rockets work. Thirty lessons contain checklists and sources, along with teacher’s notes in a complimentary, separate downloadable PDF.


as well as updated versions and pricing of the Student Writing Intensive Course, Intensive Continuation Course, Medieval History-Based Writing Lessons, and All Things Fun and Fascinating.  

Previous editions that we still have in stock can be purchased through our website at the 'IEW Clearance' link.


Friday, March 9, 2012

Australian History - Combining the Resources

Several times, I've been asked exactly how one could combine the book, 'Australia, the Wide Brown Land for Me!' together with the audio CDs - 'Australia's Yesterdays', and 'Australian Nation Builders'. 

Well, I think I finally have the answer to that question.  I've sat down and organised a list that I believe will help.  The titles in black are the chapters from 'Australia, the Wide Brown Land for Me!'.  The titles in red are the CDs in the series 'Australia's Yesterdays', and the ones in blue represent the twelve 'Australian Nation Builders' audio CDs.

The idea would be to simply complete a lesson from the textbook, and then in the following lesson, use the audio CDs in the order and position that they are listed - in this way, you will use the resources in chronological order, and in conjunction with the text.

Here's the list:

The First Australians   
Aboriginal Legends  
The Great South Land   
Spanish and Dutch Exploration   
Abel Tasman   
William Dampier   
Captain James Cook – Part 1
Captain James Cook – Part 2   
Review Lesson – Discovery
1788  First Settlement
Settlement – Part 1   
Settlement – Part 2  
1788  Convicts
The Early Settlers – Part 1 
1762–1824   Governor Macquarie
1767?-1834  John Macarthur
The Early Settlers – Part 2 
1829   Squatters 
Governor Arthur and the Convicts   
1830   Bushrangers
The Coastline – Part 1   
The Coastline – Part 2   
Crossing the Blue Mountains   
The Riddle of the Rivers   
Charles Sturt – Part 1   
Charles Sturt – Part 2   
1786–1839   William Light
Edward John Eyre   
Eyre Goes West  
Crossing the Continent   
Burke and Wills   
The Henty Family
1801–1839   John Batman
John Batman  
1808–1877   Caroline Chisholm
1851  Gold
1827-1889   Peter Lalor
The Overland Telegraph   
Thomas Mort and Refrigeration  
The Chaffey Brothers
1843-1902   C.Y O'Connor
1840–1925  Paddy Hannan
1853-1924   Cobb and Co    
1901   Federation
The Coming of Federation  
The Flag   
Australians in the Antarctic
1863–1951   Daisy Bates
The Anzacs   
1880–1951   John Flynn
1923–1932   Sydney Harbour Bridge
The Kokoda Trail   
Our National Anthem   
The Story Continues   

If you believe I have put anything in the wrong order or that it doesn't quite 'fit' in the position I've listed it, please let me know!



Thursday, March 8, 2012

IEW - 2012 Magalog

We're delighted to announce that the 2012 IEW Magalog (Catalog + Magazine) is now available for you to view, filled with great articles, helpful charts, and many new products! You can examine the Magalog one of three ways:

1.  You can view it online here:

2.  You can download it as a PDF file here:

3.  You can request one to be mailed to you here:

Our website is currently being updated, and all new products should be listed very soon!  To view the IEW section of our site, please go to:   Adnil Press - Excellence in Writing


Sunday, February 26, 2012

South Australian Homeschooling Camp - 2012

HI all. The time is fast approaching for our 2012 Homeschooling Camp!

The dates will be Mon-Fri, April 23rd - 27th. This is Week 1 of Term 2. Anzac Day will be on the Wednesday, so we'll no doubt have Anzac activities and so forth on the day.

The camp site sleeps around 90 people in total. It is located just outside of Melrose, at the base of Mt Remarkable. The site provides dormitory-style accommodation, with bunk beds in each room, sleeping from 4-6 people in each room. There are 18 rooms available; some with ensuites, and some without.

Our Willochra Camp is very relaxed - our activities include hiking up the Mount, and a trip to Alilgator Gorge (hiking down the 150 or so steps into the Gorge), as well as evening activities such as a Bush Dance, Concert and Quiz Night. All activities are completely optional - if you'd prefer to simply relax, chat and put your feet up, that's fine too.

The costs are $21 per person, per night, which includes the booking fee. Pre-schoolers are free.

There is no camping allowed on-site, however, if you would prefer, you are able to camp at the local caravan park. It would then cost each person $10.50 to attend the camp as a 'day visitor'.

The site has a large kitchen and dining room, and each family brings their own food and meals. There is a large, walk-in fridge for food storage. We usually have a 'baked potato night', 'pasta night', 'BBQ night', etc., so everyone is having similar meals, but again, this is flexible, and each family does what suits them.

If you are interested in making a booking, please email me at: lindamaher08 at gmail dot com .

There are still several rooms available, so even if you cannot make it, we would appreciate you spreading the word – we would like to see more of the rooms booked, and the opportunity for some ‘time out’ offered to as many homeschoolers as possible.

For those who have booked rooms, I shall be in touch shortly with further details.

Please pass the word around to as many homeschoolers as you can!

Thanks and God bless,


Clearance Section is Complete!

Whew!   It is DonClearancee!
Well, after months of 'a little here, and a little there', I think I can finally say that 'it is done'. I've just uploaded the final books in our 'Clearance Section', meaning that unless I discover some unknown title deep in the depths of our stock cupboard (or find out I've left off something really obvious), all products will now be found on the website - those that are our regular products, and those that are on the sell-out list inclusive.
If you find any broken links, Shopping Cart buttons that do not work or have been left off entirely, typos, or other errors, please email me - I've discovered that being your own author, typist and editor does tend to have some drawbacks!  If you can let me know about any errors that you find, it would be most appreciated.
Have a wonderful week!


Monday, February 13, 2012

Total Chaos!

Well, as ususal, my wonderful plans for our own school year are not exactly working out!

Although we live in a rental property, new carpets are being laid this week in a couple of the rooms - which is lovely, but rather chaotic.

Please be patient this week - the carpets are being laid Wednesday, which means Tuesday is going to be one hive of activity as we empty out two rooms, and then the rest of the week will be just as bad as we put everything back (most likely in different positions - may as well move it all about while we have the chance!).

We'll still keep up with orders, email and phone calls as best we can - we understand the importance of having your order quickly, especially at this time of year.  However, if you feel your message has been missed, just send me a (gentle) email reminder.

Thankyou, and God bless,


Thursday, February 9, 2012

New Uploads to the Web-site

Hi all.  The website has now been updated to include, in the clearance section, 'Australian Literature', 'Computer Studies', and 'History'.


As well, we have added the range of books from Apple Leaf Books to our regular catalogue:

It has come to my attention that at times when I remove an item from a drop-down menu because that title has sold out, that sometimes the coding of the 'add to cart' button goes a little out of whack. 

When this happens, instead of an item being added to your cart, you will receive an error message.  It's easily fixed from my end by re-inserting the code, so if this should happen to you, please send me an email, and I'll fix it right away. 

We have received many orders in the past week, and I have therefore not had the time to sent out email notifications that your order has been sent.  We are working to have all orders in the mail asap - but if you are concerned in any way, just send me an email, and I'll let you know on the progress of your order.

Thankyou and God bless,


Saturday, February 4, 2012

Logic and Rhetoric Clearance Section

Hi all.  We have now uploaded all the products in the 'Logic and Rhetoric' Clearance Section:

This means we're about two-thirds of the way through uploading all our clearance products - we are getting there!

Don't forget, to view all the products in the clearance section, you can download our price-list, at:

Keep Smiling!


Sunday, January 29, 2012

New Products Added to Clearance Pages

Hi all - new products have just been added to the Elementary Science Clearance Section.

More to be added shortly.


Friday, January 20, 2012

Life of Fred and All About Spelling

Please note that due to a large number of orders this month, several of the Life of Fred and All About Spelling titles are currently out of stock.  This mainly includes the Elementary Maths series - Apples, Butterflies, etc., and the first Level of All About Spelling.

More are on their way, but it may be a couple of weeks before we have them. 

Apologia titles are also depleting - we have now sold out of Physical Science, Marine Biology, and the Human Body;  Fearfully and Wonderfully Made.

If you wish to check on the availability of any title, simply send us an email to: 

Enjoy the rest of the holidays! 


Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Ultimate Homeschool Planner

Today I have finished my plan for our homeschool year, including curriculum, extra-curricula activities, and reading lists (I will blog soon about all the resources we'll be using this year).  Normally, I type everything up on my computer, and print it all out - including a record page for every day of the year, then bind it all together in a book.

But this year, I have found something new!   I have discovered 'The Ultimate Homeschool Planner' by Debra Bell.  This planner contains most of what I would normally make up and print out myself - calendars, planning pages, goals, Resource lists for each student, weekly planners (which I will use as a record of what we actually do), reading lists, activity logs, and test records.  As well, there is a space for each week to record 'This Week's Memorable Moments', and 'Evidences of God's Grace'.  Each week also contains an educational quote, and the whole planner is sprial-bound with a plastic cover - perfect in case of those occasional 'spiills' that happen when you do school work at the kitchen table.

One downside, though, for those with large families;  there is only enough space allocated each week for six students.  Of course, as two of mine have now left home, this suits us perfectly!  But two years ago, this would have been a problem.

I have still typed up our timetables and complete resource list, which has been stapled and slotted into the pocket included on the inisde of the front cover.  Another one of these pockets is included on the back cover - so any 'extra bits' you need to add are kept safe & secure.

For the sixteen years that we have homeschooled, I have always made up my own record book - this is the first record book / planner that I have ever found that suited our needs.  As you can tell, I'm most impressed, and it's wonderful to have all the planning done so early in the year.

You can find 'The Ultimate Homeschool Planner' at Christian Book:

437600: The Ultimate Homeschool Planner The Ultimate Homeschool Planner

By Apologia Educational Ministries

Designed for the busy homeschooling mother, help bring order---and less frustration---into your life. A user's guide will help you set everything up; a one-year planning grid, student goal setter, pre-planning guide, monthly planners, weekly planner, records, teaching tips, and a high school planning guide are all provided. Yearly planning pages provide room for vision-casting with your family priorities, a review of the previous school year, a goal-setter for character and academics, and timing grids. Weekly plans provide room to write in your Bible plan, battle plan, prayers, hospitality/outreach efforts, memorable moments, achievements, and evidences of grace. Schedule pages may be filled in as you see fit-both the vertical and horizontal axes are blank for you to fill in days and subjects as you prefer. Boxes along the facing page include room for notes, supplies, and appointments. The plastic covers include folder pockets on the inside for handy storage. Spiral bound.

Happy Planning!


Thursday, January 5, 2012

And, we're back!

We have re-opened this week - all be it with a couple of  'hiccups' - Bill having to attend the dentist for emergency work, and Linda down with yet another migraine - but, we are catching up with orders and emails, and we thankyou for your patience.

On the night before we re-opened, we had a lightning storm, and it seems it somehow managed to wipe all our phone messages.  Every one.  So, if you happened to leave us a message during the Christmas / New Year break, we no longer have it.  Please call us again or email us, and we will attend to your enquiry asap.

We hope you are having a wonderful New Year, and that 2012 will be a year of great blessings.
