Following Narnia: Writing Lessons in Structure and Style - NEW!
This series of 31 lessons, designed for grades 5-8, combines writing and lterature to teach middle school students how to write using the nine structural models and stylistic techniques included inTeaching Writing: Structure and Style. Using the first three novels inThe Chronicles of Narnia®(The Magician's Nephew, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe,andThe Horse and His Boy), the lessons cover a variety of topics related to the context of the books and to the Narnian world. Specific goals are given in the teacher book for each lesson with a reading schedule for students to follow. An optional section provides extra vocabulary study.
by Danielle Olander with Nathanael Olander
Designed especially for those techies-in-training or newbie nerds, Rockets, Radar, and Robotics introduces middle school students (grades 5-8) to the Institute for Excellence in Writing models and stylistic techniques using technology as the subject material.
Students will enjoy learning how the military is using iPods, how radar was developed, and what makes rockets work. Thirty lessons contain checklists and sources, along with teacher’s notes in a complimentary, separate downloadable PDF.